Designed by Candle Design, these colorful candles differs from ordinary candles in shape, inspared by folded paper boat. Candles bring home the symbolic light, warmth and comfort. In addition to the primary role of traditional candles, these unique candles can serve as decoration, interior accessory or as a gift. Read more
There are several ways to improve your living space, one of them is by decorating your living space’s walls with decorative wallpaper. Wallpaper is going to be quite more expensive and may be harder to do than painting is, but it will last for a good deal longer than paint will (about ten to fifteen years) and can give unique texture and print. If you’re interested to install wallpaper on your room’s walls. Here’re some picutures of colorful and unique wallpapers from Mr Perswall: Read more
All of these fantastic vibrant contemporary rugs were designed by Sonya Winner. Sonya Winner creates exceptional rugs that are graphic, vibrant and highly original. “Designed to suit today’s open plan living, these rugs are not only beautiful accents in any home, they are also hardwearing and durable. These contemporary designs transform any space and add warmth, texture and vibrancy.” Read more